I was away last week.
Ade and I drove down to stay with our friends in Fernhurst over the bank holiday. We had a lovely bbq with some very meaty and very yummy burgers and asparagus and potato salad; and did lots of chatting and resting. Their son, who is now 2, is a lovely little chap who spent most of the time we were there laughing and smiling at us. He loved Ade and wanted to play with him and show him stuff.
Kit and I watched The Departed with Jack Nicholson and Leo DiCaprio and Matt Damon - very good film which you will probly be best off watching when you've not had a glass of vino and are falling asleep cos you will need to pay attention. Espeshially when the husbands got back from the pub mid way into the movie and then need talking through the plot so far, and kept asking - who's he? Who's he again? And who's his father?
On the Monday evening after more relaxing and eating pots and pots of never ending potato salad Ade set off to drive back home alone and I stayed on for another night.
On the Tuesday I travelled to Havant to stay with Louise and her mum by the seaside. That was very relaxing indeed and Louise's mum was extremely careful not to talk to me too much as it would, she'd been informed, tire me out. And it would of, but she was very careful. Actually we talked a fair bit anyway but then she'd say - right, I'm not talking to you for an hour, and I'd go and read my book. In her beautiful lounge with the glass wall overlooking their beautiful garden. Very nice.
She did take me on a little trip out to look at lampshades and tried to make me go for a bracing walk along the seafront - sea air would do me good my mum said. I refused to leave the car as it was blowing a force 10 gale and raining and the lady walking her dog was being swept along and the wind surfers were kite surfing. So she opened the window and swept me with the through draft for my own benefit - I felt sooo much better - thanks Mrs M!! ;)
I was injecting twice a day nearly every day I was on my minibreak, so I had my coolbag full of factor to last me the few days away.
Also, because I was bleeding I had a veritable pick and mix of sanitary prods in a suitcase all to itself which I worked my way through. Good job I've got so many toiletry bags for all those damn toiletries!!
I was getting the train home so I was happy to get through my stash and empty out my luggage. It was just a shame not to fill it with a load of freshly purchased shopping but you can't have it all.
The change of scene did me the world of good I think. Thank you very much to my kind hosts for having me stay.
The whole coming home mularky left me pretty exhausted and yesterday was a total write off, dressing gown day (which shocked the hairdresser when he turned up unremembered to do me a cut at 7p.m.).
The bleeding has eased now thankfully, so this week I might get some rest from twelve hourly jabs and a debilitating toilet habit...