Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Bleeding Stats for July

Thought I'd stick my pictorial bleeding chart stats on here for your delectation :) This was my 17 day period for July.


Heavy 97

Sodden to the point of being past absorption, falls out when string gently pulled, lands like a broken milk bottle, often accompanied by large and frankly revolting looking clots

Medium 26

Some traces of white left on tampon, may be clots hanging on for grim life but not always, takes a little pull to remove

Light 3

Slightly bloody, generally at least half covered, takes a sharp pull to remove, not many of these as you can see


Heavy 7

Sodden to the point of leaking out all over clothing and causing “ooo I just sat in something brown” embarrassment, feels as heavy as a sandbag in Upton on Severn, requires careful disposal not to promote leakage

Medium 12

Some traces of white left on towel, could squeeze in a few more ml of blood to the super absorbent core if you were really determined

Light 2

Slightly bloody, looks less like road kill has occurred in one’s pant and more like you’re having a fairly normal monthly bleed

How does that compare ladies – am I making a fuss over nothing? Do tell me if I am :)



Anonymous said...

Has anyone said this yet? "Bloody hell!" I remember the 'falls out at the slightest pull on the string' feeling from when I was about 15 or so but never very much since, especially not since going on the pill at uni, and definitely not since taking up with 'The Keeper'. This is definite proof that you're going through it! It reminds me of that lovely cartoon by the silly man: Are You Normal?

Ros said...

Hahahahaaaaa :)

Yep, that's for me alright!!

Thanks rosknowswhoiam xx

leatheradventurer said...

i am so pleased i am not a \woman heheh keep at it ros, can we have a detailed discussion on food you like next time??? hehe

Not Blank said...

Yes, what about taking the Pill? This bleeding can't go on, this is not healthy. If you're sure you don't want to have children, check out the 'endometrial ablation,' also there is a new procedure that's supposed to be less invasive, I don't know what it's called, but I will pay attention if I see an ad for it in a magazine and send you or post the information. I had a rough experience during the actual ablation procedure, which was mostly done to remove fibroid tumors, the doctor accidentally perforated my uterus with the laser and had to do endoscopic surgery to repair it (so if you're thinking of this, the hospital should have large quantitites of blood standing by), but after the procedure started working, and this took almost a year from the time I had it done, I haven't had a period in almost 11 years. Helen - you wouldn't want to be post-menopausal if you had to be my age! On the other hand, I couldn't go through the monthly blood bath stage of life again, even if I could be 10 years younger. Now, if I could be 20 years younger...

'A friend who bleeds is better' said...

As rosnowwhoiam said 'Bloody Hell'! And that's coming from the woman who *had*(pls note past tense) 'the heaviest periods in England'. You may now wear the bloodied crown of throns. You need to be hitting your haematologists with this info. OR getting a second opinion to Mike Makris and co at Sheff...

Sending you psychic 'feospan spansules' and hugs


'A friend who bleeds is better' said...

throns should of course read thongs (oh no of course not thongs dont hold in the nappies sized sans) THORNS I mean!


Ros said...

Hahahaha like the thongs / thorns confusion - I can see a painful similarity meself. I've not worn a thong in months with my sanitary needs as you say :)

Uncertain, I used to take tons of hormone pills and they do help if taken in enormous quantities. Part of the reason I am in this mess now (literally) is because of an attempt to come off the pills and mebbe try and get pregnant. Or at least that was the plan originally. However with all the bleeding and exhaustion that's been relegated to beyond the back burner. It's a vicious circle in a way. My docs have suggested I go back on the pill to try and ease things and I am going to do this but then obviously no chance of conceiving. Then if we do decide to try again once bleeding eased and strength back up it will mean opening my internal damms again!

IVF has been suggested as an option but at the mo it's just about managing the bleeding and getting back on track. And that in itself has a lot of risks for a bleeder. Mebbe I should just forget about it.

The Pettifers said...

Have just happened upon your blog and I'm interested in your periods! No one ever talks about them in this way, so you don't know if you are normal...I am familiar with the tampon coming out with the slightest tug (I've even had them fall out when I'm on the loo) and I'm on the pill and not supposed to have any sort of bleeding problems. I'm 38, have had 2 children and am really REALLY fed up of my periods...

Ros said...

Hello the Pettifers!

Welcome to my blood filled blog. :)

I think bleeding problems aside, there are a lot of women out there who have horrific problems and you are right, it is just not talked about, so we don't know what is normal and what is not.

It is also the case that von Willebrands, which I have in its severest form, affects 1% of the population in the UK - mostly mildly, but that could still cause heavy periods, bleeding from operations, dental extractions, sometimes nose bleeds. And how many people say 'oh yes, I bruise easily'. It might be a symptom of an undiagnosed mild bleeding condition, that can be treated relatively easily.

You say that you are 'not supposed to have any sort of bleeding problems' - do you mind me asking how you know that? Have you been tested by your GP?

Do ask me anything you want to know Pettifers and I'll try and help.


Anonymous said...

Hello my lovely, I add my 'bloody hell' in addition to the rest! I knew a friend who had really heavy periods which went on for 7 days! I thought that was really bad. If I'm late, my periods are heavier but my cycle lasts 4 to 5 days with about 2 days when I'd say it was heavy - and I can't say heavy anymore after reading your blogs.

Need to catch up with you about the Silent Witness episode & the end of that lovely film.
You take care gorgeous - all my love xxx

Rosi said...

Hello chilli chips are us - good to have you on blog missus - sorry it's taken me till now to see your comment! xxx