Please do take a look around if you've not been here before - it can be a bit full on in a blood and gory kinda way but hopefully you'll get a little flavour of what it is like to be a woman with a bleeding disorder - von Willebrand's type 3 - and chronic fatigue.
I don't just describe the bleeding awful bits but include anything that I'm inspired to write about - or as I like to call them - Rosi's random ramblings.
Enjoy. And remember your tissue to mop up the blood ...
World Haemophilia Day
Raising awareness of haemophilia and bleeding disorders around the world
I am a 40 year old woman with type III von Willebrands disorder. I live in Worcestershire in the UK with my husband Ade and two cats (Smudge and Flash). I give myself clotting factor injections at home when I have a bleed. I contracted Hepatitis C through contaminated blood products, probably when I had my very first factor injection at only a few months old. I have had two courses of treatment for Hep C - 12 months of interferon in 1999 and 6 months of pegalated interferon and ribavirin in 2002/3. Both courses of treatment were horrendous. The first lot was unsuccessful and the second one luckily worked. My blood has tested negative for Hep C ever since. However since the interferon treatment I have been left with a 'tendency' as my doc put it, to have periods of post-viral / chronic fatigue. I believe this is linked to the treatment but that is only my opinion.
The only other things you need to know about me are that I am adopted (from the Isle of Man when I was three months old), that I make really good flapjack, banana cake and chocolate brownies (orders welcome), and that my favourite way to pass the time is a good old chin wag with my friends and family ...
1 comment:
It's a great song, the synths are very Goldfrappy :) xxx
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