Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Hap hap hap pee birth day, eat a little cake for me . . .

Here's wishing three chaps a very special birthday:

Dave 40 today - woo hoo (never would've thunk it;)
Jae 37 today - enjoy stuffing your bird tonight me dear :)
Toby 3 today - Ade's cousin Sue's little boy

The jelly and custard is on me!



Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Thanks my dear Ros:) 37 man and boy eh! Who'd have thunk that eh? I still feel like a teenager. But then who doesn't eh...Fnar! Fnar!;)

The turkey wasn't stuffed btw, but I was well and truly! I got another dinner Friday evening with Lee and my Twin Nic and then another on Sunday with Jac! Must try and get a few miles done on the bike and a few strokes in the kack in between!

Take care Mrs C:)


My Other Blog said...

Hi Ros, how's it going? Is no news good news?