I have been given the opportunity to try a Mooncup.
I will use it and to log on my blog how I get on.
Have you heard of the Mooncup? I hadn't.
Do you know what it's for? I didn't.
Has anyone reading this ever tried one??
Please let me know how it was for you...
Queue You Too WIP
1 year ago
Don't think I have ever used one of those!
Is it something to do with bra's?
Something that Moon women keep their boobs in perhaps? Or is it a cup that people drink from who live on the Moon?;)
Is it some kind of chocolate dessert - or is that a moon pie? Did I spell dessert correctly or did it come out as desert as in Sahara? Or did it come out like running away from the army? Oh, why is there no spell check in blogger?!?
I'm sure I had it once at stonehenge festival...
I knew what it was before you texted me. But no had laughed at the imagined farce of emptying mooncup impracticalities, which you've highlighted so articulately in your latest blog ;)
H x
I have read somewhere that Mooncups, or summat similar, were big at Glasto apparently (praps cos of teepee like shape, so mebbe at Stonehenge also??
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