Thursday, 22 February 2007

This is it ....

.... my first ever blog! Congratulations to me.

I've been thinking about doing this for months but having had some inspiration recently and read some fascinating blogs, now is the time. One word of warning though - I used to think diaries were a good idea when I was a girl and most years I'd start one with good intentions. Two months down the line I'd re-read wistfully the entries I'd made every night for the first two week and think - maybe next year...

A little about me to break you in gently. I'm a 32 year old woman, living in Kidderminster in Worcestershire in the UK. The idea behind this blog is to let you know what it is like living with von Willebrands disorder. This is a bleeding disorder not unlike haemophilia and I have Type III which means I am severely affected. Be warned, this may get bloody and I will be attempting to tell it how it is. Then again, I may find I have no bleeding problems whatsoever and have to tell you about my two cats or what I've been watching on tv so it could all get rather dull.

Either way, hope I've not lost you on this first attempt and I'll try and keep it up!


'A friend who bleeds is better' said...

Hey Ros!

Good for you, look forward to reading. How come you are off work?

Me too recovering from AV fistula and depression.

With Love

Helen C

Kitty said...

Love it!! And your fav colours too!
Look forward to reading.

Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Hi Ros:)

Great to see you started your own Blog. I Love the title and 'Life as a Woman Bleeder' too. Mine used to be called 'The Mighty C', but I changed it at the start of the new year to a Joy Division lyric.
I still can't quite believe that we are in contact again after all these years! That is so spooky that you found me the way you did.....and not even seeing my post where I mentioned you. Like you must be fate.

I for one Ros would be very much interested to read about just how a Woman with severe Von Willebrandes Disorder lives her life. I know my friend Chris in Seattle would too. He has everything that I have.
If you don't mind, I would like to add you to my links over on my Blog. I'd be proud to have you included on it:)

Hey, the more blood the better;) But even boring mundane things that seem really boring to you, are in actual fact very interesting too. Take my cycling for example, over on my Blog......How cool and interesting is that eh?..........ok.....maybe not then;)

Stick around girl:)
