Monday, 28 July 2008

Ch ch ch changes ...

Notice anything different about me?


Monday, 21 July 2008

Blood, Sweat and Tyres 2008

Many of you sponsored my friend and fellow bleeder Jae when he successfully completed last year's Blood, Sweat and Tyres event. This sponsored event takes place every summer (or at least if has for the last 3 years) in aid of the Haemophilia Society.

This year the team have set themselves a teeny bit of a challenge. They are attempting to do John O'Groats to Land's End over 23 days from Sunday August 3rd to Monday August 25th.

They are asking for anyone who is interested to join them for all (haha) or part (still haha as far as I'm concerned:) of the ride. What do you reckon? Anyone up for a wee challenge??

Late notice I know and most of you have lots of other commitments but I thought I'd let you know...

Further details, along with a schedule, accommodation and photies from last years ride can be found here:

Blood, Sweat and Tyres

The Facebook event for the ride is found here:

Facebook BST 2008 JOGLE Event

The Justgiving webpage - where you can make a secure online donation is found here:

Justgiving BST 2008


Thursday, 17 July 2008

My Psycho Moment...

Got out the shower yesterday to find this little bleeder:

Not quite sure how that started - think it could've been Norman stabbing me in the shoulder with a pin, ee ee ee...

I kept mopping and it kept not stopping:

Managed to get me towel on as you can see - not that you'd have wanted to see otherwise!

My hair towel came in very handy:

Clothing meself proved a little tricky but got so far. Managed to locate and apply a number of plasters - three to be precise - but within a minute there was a leak:

Took myself off to have an injection. Sitting in the dining room in my brassiere hoping that the neighbour wouldn't choose that moment to gain access via our passage.

Blood drains from under me plaster
tissues blot it
don't bleed on floor
attempt to mix bottles of treatment
don't drip on table
mop it with tissue
fill my syringe
get blood on my hands
all over my arm
hope window cleaner isn't due
put on tourniquet
put tourniquet on other arm cos need to mop up bleeding arm
hold tissue on shoulder with chin
stick needle in
inject stuff
stop half way through
wipe blood up
start again
take needle out
don't care if blood spills on table
or floor
still going
still going
take off blood soaked plasters
still going
put on clean plasters
clean arm with steret wipe
another steret wipe
wonder why didn't just have another shower
watch plaster
watch plaster
No blood.


Gum still going tho.
